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Name of Ethanol
Other names: Ethyl alcohol, vegetable alcohol, hydroxy, EtOH
Chemical Formula C2H5OH
Molecular Weight 46.06844 (232) g / mol
Appearance Colorless Liquid
Cas Number [64-17-5]
Density and Phase 0.789 g / cm³, liquid
Water Solubility Completely
Egrime Point: 114.3 ° C (158.8 K)
Boiling Point 78.4 ° C (351.6 K)
Ethanol, ethyl alcohol or vegetable alcohol are a colorless and flammable chemical compound. The boiling point of Ethyl Alcohol is -114.5 ° C at 78.4 ° C. Because the volume growth is relatively uniform with temperature, it is used as a thermometer in thermometers (used in homes) measuring air temperature. A dye is added to make the liquid level comfortable. The specific weight is 0.789 g / cm3 at 20 ° C. Ethanol, even when mixed with the same amount of water, burns with a faint, bluish, descent flame. The combustion energy of ethanol is such that it gives 7.09 kcal per 1 gram. Water, ether and acetone are mixed in every kind. When mixed with water there is a decrease in volume. For example, when 52 volumes of alcohol and 48 volumes of water are mixed, a solution of 96.3 volumes is produced, not 100 volumes. It is the only alcohol used in alcoholic beverages. It is also used as a solvent in some vitamin syrups. The chemical formula is C2H6O and is also referred to as EtOH or C2H5OH.
It is carried out by bacteria and some yeasts. When the glucose is disintegrated, 1 CO2 is removed from the obtained purity. Acetaldehyde is formed. Acetaldehyde reacts with NADH2 to take its Hydrogens. The final product is Ethyl Alcohol.
usage areas
Mainly used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, cleaning, plastic, personal care products, printing and packaging industry. It is also used as an intermediate product for the production of other organic chemicals.