2.85 $
CAS number: 50-21-5, 79-33-4 (L), 10326-41-7 (D)
ChemSpider: 96860
CHEB of: 422
ATC code: G01AD01, QP53AG02
Molecular formula: C3H6O3
Mol: 90.08 g mol? 1
Melting Point: L: 53 ° C D: 53 ° C D / L: 16.8 ° C
BOILING POINT: 122 ° C @ 12 mmHg
General Information
The chemical formula of CH 3 CHOH-COOH and its chemical name is 2-hydroxypropanoic acid. Depending on the form of lactic acid, there are three structural isomers. Lactose in milk is converted to lactic acid by bacteria called lactic yeast. Another name of lactic acid is milk acid. is a form of fermentation seen in animal cells.
Production and Reactions
The main source of lactic acid, called glycogen, is a by-product formed as a result of the destruction of carbohydrates.
Glucose 2 ADP 2 P
Lactic Acid 2 ATP 2 H 2H2O
Lactose in milk can be converted into lactic acid by bacteria called lactic yeast. It may be synthesized by the reaction of carbon monoxide and acetaldehyde under pressure. Cyanide acid can be obtained by the action of acetaldehyde in appropriate conditions.
Usage areas
It prevents the growth of microorganisms which may cause acidification of food due to lactic acid effect. Yogurt, starfish, saltless white cheese etc. is an example of this production.
Lactic acid fermentation can be carried out in the livestock sector in order to meet the food need.
The use of acidic and antimicrobial properties of this chemical is utilized in the chemical industry.
In the pharmaceutical industry, the highly pure form of this chemical is used as an additive in ’peeling‘ drugs.