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CAS number: 8050-09-7
Molecular formula: C19H29COOH
RTECS: VL04800000
TSCA: TSCA 8 (b) Inventory: Colophony (Resin)
Synonym: Gum Rosin; colophony
Product flammability: May be flammable at high temperature.
Catalog codes: SLR1003
Flash point: OFF CAP: 187 ° C (368.6 ° F). OPEN CAP: 205 ° C (401 ° F).
Odor: None.
Color: Yellow. (Light).
pH (1% soln / water): Not applicable.
Melting point: 70 ° C (158 ° F) - 78 ° C
Critical temperature: None.
Specific Gravity: 1,06-1,08 / 25 ° C (Water = 1)
General Information
Colophone resin with chemical formula C19H29COOH is distilled from the pine resin. It is a kind of natural resin, mixed with various organic acids. Alcohol can be dissolved in oils, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, glacial acetic acid, aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Although it is not directly used in many sectors, the component acts as an additive during reactions and reactions.
Production and Reactions
After melting the raw resin in the melting boiler, they can be obtained by refining, distillation and evaporation processes and by the addition of auxiliary components (soil, oxelite acid, salt etc.).
Usage areas
In this sector, it is used as additive in sir wax consisting of natural secretions of bee.
Colophone resin is used in combination with pure acrylic in marley adhesive chemical.
It is used in paper making, soap, ink, paint, rubber, synthetic resin, electrical insulation materials.
It is included in the paint sector especially in the construction of water-based silicone paints.