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CAS number: 10039-26-6
H.S. code: 1702.11.00
Formula: C12H22O11
Physical state: White powder
Solubility: Easily soluble in water.
Melting point: 202.8 ° C
Molar mass: 342.3 g / mol
IUPAC ID:? -D-galactopyranosyl- (1? 4) -D-glucose
Density: 1,52 g / cm³
Boiling point: 668,9 ° C
Other names: Lactose monohydrate, Milk sugar
General Information
A molecule of chemical formula C12H22O11 is lactose, which is a natural dissaccharide containing galactose and a molecule glucose; it is chemically, physically and microbiologically stable and shows a high degree of compliance with other ingredients. Because of the potential for free aldehyde group formation of lactose, which is a reducing sugar? and? There are two forms. Milk is the most important carbohydrate and has a significant share in the aroma.It has an important share in the aroma of milk. Lactose is only hydrolyzed with strong acids and is separated into glucose and galactose. Lemon acid and other weak acids do not affect lactose. It is a disaccharide, also called milk sugar, found in milk alone.
Production and Reactions
The basic principle of lactose production is to evaporate water from whey to increase the lactose concentration. Condensed whey (60% of total solids at 60 ° C) is then gradually cooled, allowing lactation to be crystallized and allowed to produce.
Products such as lactobionic acid, lactose hydrolysates are commercially spray-dried or obtained from the crystalline lactose structure.
Usage areas
Lactose in the food industry; It is used in various foods, especially ice cream and confectionery.
Because of its typical properties, it is used directly or as an additive.
It is used to remove the lactose deficiency of the animal in animal nutrition.