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  • 25 Kg Bag

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CAS number


Molecular formula

Al2 (SO4) 3

Molar mass

342.15 g / mol (anhydrous) 666.42 g / mol (octa, deca hydrate)


White crystalline solid, hygroscopic


2.672 g / cm3 (anhydrous) 1.62 g / cm3 (octa, deca hydrate)

Erg ime point

770 [deg.] C. (decomp, anhydrous) 86.5 [deg.] C. (octane, deca hydrate)

Water solubility

31.2 g / 100 mL (0 ° C) 36.4 g / 100 ml (20 ° C) 89.0 g / 100 mL (100 ° C)


Very little soluble in alcohol, dilute mineral acids

Acidity (pKa)


Refractive index (nD)



Crystal structure monoclinic (hydrate)

Other names

Aluminum Sulfate, Ammonium sulfate, Cake screed, screed

Standard Product Specification


16% min

Fe? O?

: 0.03% max.

Particle Size

3-10 mm

Insoluble in water

0,3% max.

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General Information
Although it is abundant (7.5-8.1%) in the earth crust of Al2 (SO4) 3, its chemical formula is very rare, and it has therefore been seen once more valuable than gold. The history of the commercial production of aluminum is a little more than 100 years. Aluminum is a metal which is very difficult to separate from the ore during the first years of discovery. Aluminum is one of the most difficult metals to refine. This is due to its very rapid oxidation, the very stable formation of this oxide layer and the fact that it does not peel off the surface in contrast to rust in the iron.
Aluminum sulphate is one of the two most commonly used coagulants with iron sulphate. It is a highly efficient treatment chemical. It has no corrosive properties in dry condition. It shows corrosive properties in solution. Usually used as a 6% solution. Because of its corrosive properties, it should be in plastic, glass fiber or stainless steel. Since it has a corrosive condition, plastic or stainless steel tanks should be used during use and storage.

Production and Reactions

Alunite obtained from Alginite as an underground source alunites (KAl3 (SO4) 2 (OH) 6} in the boiling of 88% (weight) H2SO4 boilers by processing and aluminum, potassium sulphate separation takes place. The reaction takes place in two stages and in the first phase K2SO4 is soluble in acid. The insoluble Al2 (SO4) 3 in the acid is separated from the algin by washing with water at 95 oC. The acid-soluble K2SO4 is separated by calcination. Al2 (SO) 4 cell-cell quality (Cell-grade) obtained from this process is not suitable for alumina production and needs to be highly purified. The yield of alunite in the acid sulfation process is over 90%. Alunite incineration is performed at around 600 oC. The acidic medium is provided to separate the silicate in excess of 50% in alunite, and more than 50% ammonium sulfate is obtained by treatment with ammonia. As a result of this process alumina and potassium sulfate are obtained as by-products. Aluminum sulphate can also be produced from bauxite. This method is used in Seydişehir aluminum facilities. Aluminum sulphate is produced by a process starting from aluminum hydrate. In the first type of mineralization, alunites are in the form of crack fillings of 3-10 cm thickness. Bees wax and are in the form of romboedric crystals. The second type of formation is formed by ramping in rocks and tuffs containing alkali feldspar. These types of beds are massive and the alunites are dirty white. Although the grade is low (7.54 K2O), it has economic importance as it has 4 million tons reserve. There are also alunite formations observed within kaolin deposits.

Usage areas

Fire Extinguisher Equipment

It is used as a foam and auxiliary material in fire extinguishing equipment. non-flammable fabric production, catalyst, ph controller and water-free and fast-drying concrete is also widely used in business.


It is used in yarn or fabric dyeing and water purification, flame retardant fabric production, ph control.


It is used as a valuable potassium fertilizer (K2SO4) source due to its quartz content. It is used in the production of fertilizer mixed with ammonium sulfate or phosphate. Alunite and aluminum sulphate are used as follows:

It is used as an important factor in the treatment of water, sugar production, dairy products and many different foods.

Aluminum sulfate is sometimes used to reduce the pH of the soil in the garden, as for hydrolyzed aluminum hydroxide precipitation and the formation of a dilute sulfuric acid solution.


Some antiperspirants in the aluminum sulphate pharmaceutical industry are active substances, although they are used as by-products in most products. They are also used as antiseptic to stop the bleeding, strengthen the gums and strengthen the mouth of the mouth.


It is used as concrete waterproofing agent and accelerator in the construction industry. It also has the use in tank insulations.

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