2.90 $
CAS number: 461-58-5
PubChem: 10005
ChemSpider: 9611
EC Number: 207-312-8
RTECS number: ME9950000
Molecular formula: C2H4N4
Molar mass: 84.08 g / mol
Appearance: White crystals
Density: 1.400 g / cm3
Melting point: 209.5 ° C
Boiling point: 252 ° C
Solubility in water: 41.3 g / l -0.52: log P kH: 2.25 · 10-10 atm.m: / mol
General Information
Chemical formula C2H4N4 with white crystalline powder structure is better than cold water in hot water solubility. The liquid is also soluble in ammonia, while the ether is insoluble in benzene and chloroform. Low toxicity.
Production and Reactions
Guanamine can be produced by different reactions in benzene production. It can produce guanidine salts with suitable media and catalysts by reaction with DCD acids. Dioxandamide and dicyandiamide resin are used in the production of dye fixing agent by formaldehyde reaction.
Usage areas
Fills selective filler cavities in the leather sector.
It is used in fertilizer construction, flammability finishes.
Guanidine in medicine is used in the production of nitrate, sulfonamide, etc.
Iron and Steel
In this sector steel is used as surface hardener.