1.76 $
CAS number: 10124-58-8
PubChem: 24968
Molar Weight: 611.7704 g / mol
Appearance: White crystals
Molecular formula: Na6P6O18
Humidity: 2.484 g / cm3
Melting Point: 28 ° C (1,162 ° F; 901 K)
Boiling Point: 1,500 ° C (2,730 ° F; 1,770 K)
Refractive Index: 1.482
General Information
Chemical formula (NaPO3) 6 called sodium polymetaphosphate, also known as white powder, this chemical can easily dissolve in water. In daily life we ??usually use it in dishwashers.
Production and Reactions
The production of Na2HPO4 from SHMP is realized. As they have an advanced branching structure, they can be decomposed into simple compounds under favorable conditions. Hydrometer analysis can be performed with direct use.
Usage areas
E 452 is used as a regulating agent in the food industry and as an additive in fermentation. It is also used to provide the clarity of beer production in order to prevent the degradation of the fat inside the meat.
Water is used as a softener in many sectors.
It is used as paper distributor and as water softener in paper baths.
It is used as ph regulator in chemical industry.
It binds calcium and magnesium ions in the soap industry, softens the water and prevents the dirt from sticking to the fibers.